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What is the Provider Calendar?
What is the Provider Calendar?

This article explains what the provider calendar is and its features.

Updated over a week ago

The core of your Schemon channel is your calendar. Everything basically revolves around it. Within your calendar, you can set the private and public portions of it and define all the details about how you want your schedule to be used.

Off-Work Timeframes

You can define specific timeframes or entire days when you do not want to accept any appointments.

Flexible Availability Settings

  • Block Timeframes or Whole Days: Set periods during which you are unavailable for appointments, whether it's for a few hours or an entire day.

  • Specific or Recurring Off-Work Times: These unavailability settings can be applied to a specific date or set to recur regularly, such as every week on a certain day.

Ensuring No Conflicts

By defining these off-work times, you ensure that no new appointments will be scheduled during these periods of unavailability.

Automatic Rescheduling

  • Existing Appointments: If you mark a timeframe as off-work after an appointment has already been scheduled, the system will automatically reschedule the appointment with your customer, preventing any conflicts.

Reserved Timeframes

You can allocate specific timeframes exclusively for certain customers or customer groups.

Customizable Reservation Settings

  • Reserve Specific Timeframes: Designate particular hours or entire days for exclusive appointments with select customers.

  • Flexibility: These reservations can be customized to fit your schedule, allowing you to reserve either complete days or specific parts of a day.

Prioritizing High-Profile Clients

This functionality ensures that your loyal and high-profile customers receive priority access to your services. By reserving these timeframes, you guarantee that these valued clients can secure appointments with you without competition from others.

Discreet Availability Management

  • Visibility to Other Customers: Other customers will not see these reserved timeframes as being specifically allocated; instead, these slots will simply appear as "unavailable" in their view. This maintains a discreet management of your schedule while effectively prioritizing certain clients.

Public and Private Calendars

You only need to manage a single calendar, eliminating the need to check multiple calendars.

Unified Calendar Management

  • Single Calendar: You have just one calendar to manage, simplifying your scheduling process and avoiding the hassle of juggling multiple calendars.

Private Activity Timeframes

  • Private Timeframes: You can create specific timeframes for your private activities. These periods will be shown as 'unavailable' to your customers, ensuring your private time is respected without revealing your personal schedule.

Appointment Visibility Options

  • Customizable Visibility: You can choose how appointments made by other customers are displayed. They can either be shown as 'full' or simply as 'unavailable,' depending on your preference.

Calendar Actions

Your calendar serves as the central hub for all your operations, allowing you to initiate various actions directly from it.

Centralized Operations

  • Request Payments: You can request payments for appointments directly from the calendar. This includes asking for payments at the time of booking or before the appointment begins.

  • Launch Chat Sessions: Start video or text chat sessions right from your calendar appointments, ensuring seamless communication with your customers.

  • Appointment Notes: Take detailed notes during appointments and easily review them later, keeping all important information organized and accessible.

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